
HTMap’s settings are controlled by a global object which you can access as htmap.settings. For more information on how this works, see htmap.settings.Settings.

Users can provide custom default settings by putting them in a file in their home directory named .htmaprc. The file is in TOML format.

HTMap can also read certain settings from the environment. When this is possible, it is noted in the description of the setting.

The precedence order is that runtime settings override .htmaprc settings, which override environment settings, which override built-in defaults.

HTMap’s settings are organized into groupings based on TOML headers. The settings inside each group are discussed in the following sections.

At runtime, settings can be found via dotted paths that correspond to the section heads. Here, I’ll give the dotted paths - if they’re in the file instead, each dot is a header.

Here is an example .htmaprc file:



IMAGE = "python:latest"

The equivalent runtime Python commands to set those settings would be

import htmap

htmap.settings["DELIVERY_METHOD"] = "docker"
htmap.settings["MAP_OPTIONS.REQUEST_MEMORY"] = "250MB"
htmap.settings["DOCKER.IMAGE"] = "python:latest"


These are the top-level settings. They do not belong to any header.

HTMAP_DIR - the path to the directory to use as the HTMap directory. If not given, defaults to ~/.htmap.

DELIVERY_METHOD - the name of the delivery method to use. The different delivery methods are discussed in Dependency Management. Defaults to docker. Inherits the environment variable HTMAP_DELIVERY.

WAIT_TIME - how long to wait between polling for component statuses, files existing, etc. Measured in seconds. Defaults to 1 (1 second).

CLI - set to True automatically when HTMap is being used from the CLI. Defaults to False.


Any settings in this section are passed to every MapOption as keyword arguments.


SCHEDULER - the address of the HTCondor scheduler (see htcondor.Schedd). If set to None, HTMap discovers the local scheduler automatically. Defaults to None. Inherits the environment variable HTMAP_CONDOR_SCHEDULER.

COLLECTOR - the address of the HTCondor collector (see htcondor.Collector). If set to None, HTMap discovers the local collector automatically. Defaults to None. Inherits the environment variable HTMAP_CONDOR_COLLECTOR.


These settings control how the docker delivery method works.

IMAGE - the path to the Docker image to run components with. Defaults to 'continuumio/anaconda3:latest'. If the environment variable HTMAP_DOCKER_IMAGE is set, that will be used as the default instead.


These settings control how the singularity delivery method works.

IMAGE - the path to the Singularity image to run components with. Defaults to 'docker://continuumio/anaconda3:latest'. If the environment variable HTMAP_SINGULARITY_IMAGE is set, that will be used as the default instead.


These settings control how the transplant delivery method works.

DIR - the path to the directory where the zipped Python install will be cached. Defaults to a subdirectory of HTMAP_DIR named transplants.

ALTERNATE_INPUT_PATH - a string that will be used in the HTCondor transfer_input_files option instead of the local file path. If set to None, the local path will be used (the default). This can be used to override the default file transfer mechanism.

ASSUME_EXISTS - if set to True, assume that the zipped Python install already exists. Most likely, you will need to set ALTERNATE_INPUT_PATH to an existing zipped install. Defaults to False.