

The most convenient way to go through these tutorials is through Binder, which requires no setup on your part: binder

First Steps

If this is your first time using HTMap, start here!

Basic Mapping

An introduction to the basics of HTMap.

Working with Files

Sending additional files with your maps.

Map Options

How to tell the pool what to do with your map.

Advanced Mapping

More (and better) ways to create maps.

Error Handling

What do when something goes wrong.

Advanced Tutorials

Note: these tutorial can not be run with Binder

Docker Image Cookbook

How to build HTMap-compatible Docker images.

Output Files

How to move arbitrary files back to the submit machine, or to other locations.

Wrapping External Programs

How to send input and output to an external (i.e., non-Python) program from inside a mapped function.

Checkpointing Maps

How to write a function that can continue from partial progress after being evicted.

Using HTMap on the Open Science Grid

How to use HTMap on the Open Science Grid.