Source code for htmap.errors

# Copyright 2019 HTCondor Team, Computer Sciences Department,
# University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import textwrap

[docs] class ComponentError: """ Represents an error experienced by a map component during remote execution. Attributes ---------- map : htmap.Map The :class:`htmap.Map` the component is a part of. component : int The component index from the map. exception_msg : str The raw message string from the remote exception. node_info : tuple A tuple containing information about the HTCondor execute node the component ran on. python_info : tuple A tuple containing information about the Python installation on the execute node. scratch_dir_contents : List[pathlib.Path] A list of paths in the scratch directory on the execute node. stack_summary : traceback.StackSummary The Python stack frames at the time of execution, excluding HTMap's own stack frame. """ def __init__( self, *, map, component: int, exception_msg: str, node_info, python_info, scratch_dir_contents, stack_summary, ): = map self.component = component self.exception_msg = exception_msg self.node_info = node_info self.python_info = python_info self.scratch_dir_contents = scratch_dir_contents self.stack_summary = stack_summary def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}(map = {}, component = {self.component})>" @classmethod def _from_raw_error(cls, map, error): """Construct a :class:`ComponentError` from a raw component error returned from an execute node.""" return cls( map=map, component=error.component, exception_msg=error.exception_msg, node_info=error.node_info, python_info=error.python_info, scratch_dir_contents=error.scratch_dir_contents, stack_summary=error.stack_summary, ) def _indent(self, text, multiple=1): return textwrap.indent(text, " " * 2 * multiple) def _format_stack_trace(self): # modified from _RECURSIVE_CUTOFF = 3 result = [] last_file = None last_line = None last_name = None count = 0 for frame in self.stack_summary: if ( last_file is None or last_file != frame.filename or last_line is None or last_line != frame.lineno or last_name is None or last_name != ): if count > _RECURSIVE_CUTOFF: count -= _RECURSIVE_CUTOFF result.append( self._indent( f' [Previous line repeated {count} more time{"s" if count > 1 else ""}]\n' ) ) last_file = frame.filename last_line = frame.lineno last_name = count = 0 count += 1 if count > _RECURSIVE_CUTOFF: continue row = [] row.append( self._indent(f'File "{frame.filename}", line {frame.lineno}, in {}\n') ) if frame.line: row.append(self._indent(f"{frame.line.strip()}\n", multiple=2)) row.append(self._indent("\nLocal variables:\n", multiple=2)) if frame.locals: for name, value in sorted(frame.locals.items()): v = str(value) if len(v) > 45: v = v[:20] + " ... " + v[-20:] row.append(self._indent(f"{name} = {v}\n", multiple=3)) result.append("".join(row)) if count > _RECURSIVE_CUTOFF: count -= _RECURSIVE_CUTOFF result.append( self._indent( f'[Previous line repeated {count} more time{"s" if count > 1 else ""}]\n' ) ) return result
[docs] def report(self) -> str: """ Return a formatted error report. The raw information in this report is available in the attributes of this class. """ lines = [ f" Start error report for component {self.component} of map {} ".center( 80, "=" ), "Landed on execute node {} ({}) at {}".format(*self.node_info), ] if self.python_info is not None: executable, version, packages = self.python_info lines.append(f"\nPython executable is {executable} (version {version})") lines.append(f"with installed packages") lines.append(self._indent(packages)) else: lines.append("\nPython executable information not available") lines.append("\nScratch directory contents are") for path in self.scratch_dir_contents: lines.append(self._indent(path)) lines.append("\nException and traceback (most recent call last):") lines.extend(self._format_stack_trace()) lines.append(self._indent(self.exception_msg, multiple=1)) lines.append("") lines.append( f" End error report for component {self.component} of map {} ".center( 80, "=" ) ) return "\n".join(lines)