Source code for htmap.exceptions

# Copyright 2018 HTCondor Team, Computer Sciences Department,
# University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

[docs] class HTMapException(Exception): """Base exception for all ``htmap`` exceptions.""" pass
[docs] class TimeoutError(HTMapException): """An operation has timed out because it took too long.""" pass
[docs] class MissingSetting(HTMapException): """The requested setting has not been set.""" pass
[docs] class OutputNotFound(HTMapException): """The requested output file does not exist.""" pass
[docs] class NoMapYet(HTMapException): """The :class:`htmap.MapBuilder` does not have an associated :class:`htmap.Map` yet because it is still inside the ``with`` block.""" pass
[docs] class TagAlreadyExists(HTMapException): """The requested ``tag`` already exists (recover the :class:`Map`, then either use or delete it).""" pass
[docs] class InvalidTag(HTMapException): """The ``tag`` has an invalid character in it.""" pass
[docs] class TagNotFound(HTMapException): """The requested ``tag`` does not exist.""" pass
[docs] class EmptyMap(HTMapException): """The map contains no inputs, so it wasn't created.""" pass
[docs] class ReservedOptionKeyword(HTMapException): """The map option keyword you tried to use is reserved by HTMap for internal use.""" pass
[docs] class MisalignedInputData(HTMapException): """There is some kind of mismatch between the lengths of the function arguments and the variadic map options.""" pass
[docs] class CannotRetagMap(HTMapException): """The map cannot be renamed right now.""" pass
[docs] class UnknownPythonDeliveryMethod(HTMapException): """The specified Python delivery method has not been registered.""" pass
[docs] class MapWasRemoved(HTMapException): """This map has been removed, and can no longer be interacted with.""" pass
[docs] class InvalidOutputStatus(HTMapException): """The output status of the map component was not recognized.""" pass
[docs] class MapComponentError(HTMapException): """A map component experienced an error during remote execution.""" pass
[docs] class MapComponentHeld(HTMapException): """A map component has been held by HTCondor.""" pass
[docs] class ExpectedError(HTMapException): """A map component that contained an OK result was unpacked as if it contained an error.""" pass
[docs] class CannotTransplantPython(HTMapException): """The Python interpreter you are using cannot be transplanted.""" pass
[docs] class CannotRerunComponents(HTMapException): """The given components cannot be rerun because they are currently active.""" pass
[docs] class InsufficientHTCondorVersion(HTMapException): """The version of HTCondor is too low to use a feature.""" pass
[docs] class CorruptEventLog(HTMapException): """HTMap doesn't understand what it's seeing in an event log.""" pass