Source code for htmap.htio

# Copyright 2018 HTCondor Team, Computer Sciences Department,
# University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import gzip
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Iterator, List

import cloudpickle
import htcondor

from . import names
from .types import ARGS_AND_KWARGS

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def save_object(obj: Any, path: Path) -> None: """Serialize a Python object (including "objects", like functions) to a file at the given ``path``.""" with, mode="wb") as file: cloudpickle.dump(obj, file)
[docs] def load_object(path: Path) -> Any: """Deserialize an object from the file at the given ``path``.""" with, mode="rb") as file: return cloudpickle.load(file)
[docs] def load_objects(path: Path) -> Iterator[Any]: """Deserialize a stream of objects from the file at the given ``path``.""" with, mode="rb") as file: while True: yield cloudpickle.load(file)
[docs] def save_func(map_dir: Path, func: Callable) -> None: """Save the mapped function to the map directory.""" path = map_dir / names.FUNC save_object(func, path) logger.debug(f"Saved function to {path}")
[docs] def save_inputs(map_dir: Path, args_and_kwargs: Iterable[ARGS_AND_KWARGS],) -> None: """ Save the arguments to the mapped function to the map's input directory. """ base_path = map_dir / names.INPUTS_DIR for component, a_and_k in enumerate(args_and_kwargs): save_object(a_and_k, base_path / f"{component}.{names.INPUT_EXT}") logger.debug(f"Saved args and kwargs in {base_path}")
[docs] def save_num_components(map_dir: Path, num_components: int) -> None: """Save the number of components in a map.""" path = _num_components_path(map_dir) path.write_text(str(num_components))
[docs] def load_num_components(map_dir: Path) -> int: """Load the number of components in a map.""" path = _num_components_path(map_dir) return int(path.read_text())
def _num_components_path(map_dir: Path) -> Path: return map_dir / names.NUM_COMPONENTS
[docs] def append_cluster_id(map_dir: Path, cluster_id: int) -> None: """Add a cluster ID to a map.""" with _cluster_ids_path(map_dir).open(mode="a") as file: file.write(str(cluster_id) + "\n")
[docs] def load_cluster_ids(map_dir: Path) -> List[int]: """Load the cluster IDs for a map.""" return [int(cid.strip()) for cid in _cluster_ids_path(map_dir).read_text().splitlines()]
def _cluster_ids_path(map_dir: Path) -> Path: return map_dir / names.CLUSTER_IDS
[docs] def save_submit(map_dir: Path, submit: htcondor.Submit) -> None: """Save a dictionary that represents the map's :class:`htcondor.Submit` object.""" path = _submit_path(map_dir) with"w") as f: json.dump( dict(submit), f, indent=4, separators=(", ", ": "), ) logger.debug(f"Saved submit object to {path}")
[docs] def load_submit(map_dir: Path) -> htcondor.Submit: """Load an :class:`htcondor.Submit` object that was saved using :func:`save_submit`.""" with _submit_path(map_dir).open(mode="r") as f: return htcondor.Submit(json.load(f))
def _submit_path(map_dir: Path) -> Path: return map_dir / names.SUBMIT
[docs] def save_itemdata(map_dir: Path, itemdata: List[dict]) -> None: """Save the map's itemdata as a list of JSON dictionaries.""" path = _itemdata_path(map_dir) with"w") as f: json.dump( itemdata, f, indent=None, separators=(",", ":"), ) # most compact representation logger.debug(f"Saved itemdata to {path}")
[docs] def load_itemdata(map_dir: Path) -> List[dict]: """Load itemdata that was saved using :func:`save_itemdata`.""" with _itemdata_path(map_dir).open(mode="r") as f: return json.load(f)
def _itemdata_path(map_dir: Path) -> Path: return map_dir / names.ITEMDATA