Source code for

# Copyright 2018 HTCondor Team, Computer Sciences Department,
# University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import collections
import csv
import datetime
import io
import json
import logging
import shutil
import textwrap
import uuid
from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union

from . import exceptions, mapping, maps, names, settings, state, tags, utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def load(tag: str) -> maps.Map: """ Reconstruct a :class:`Map` from its ``tag``. Parameters ---------- tag The ``tag`` to search for. Returns ------- map The result with the given ``tag``. """ return maps.Map.load(tag)
[docs] def load_maps(pattern: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[maps.Map, ...]: """ Return a :class:`tuple` containing the :class:`Map` for all existing maps, with optional filtering based on a glob-style pattern. Parameters ---------- pattern A `glob-style pattern <>`_. Only maps whose tags fit the pattern will be returned. If ``None`` (the default), all maps will be returned. Returns ------- maps : A tuple contain the maps whose tags fit the ``pattern``. """ return tuple(load(tag) for tag in tags.get_tags(pattern))
[docs] def remove(tag: str, not_exist_ok: bool = True) -> None: """ Remove the map with the given ``tag``. Parameters ---------- tag The ``tag`` to search for and remove. not_exist_ok If ``False``, raise :class:`htmap.exceptions.MapIdNotFound` if the ``tag`` doesn't exist. """ try: load(tag).remove() except (exceptions.TagNotFound, FileNotFoundError) as e: if not not_exist_ok: if not isinstance(e, exceptions.TagNotFound): raise exceptions.TagNotFound(f"Map {tag} not found") from e raise e
[docs] def clean(*, all: bool = False) -> List[str]: """ Clean up transient maps by removing them. Maps that have never had a tag explicitly set are assigned randomized tags and marked as "transient". This command removes maps marked transient (and can also remove all maps, not just transient ones, if the --all option is passed). Parameters ---------- all If ``True``, remove all maps, not just transient ones. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- cleaned_tags A list of the tags of the maps that were removed. """ logger.debug("Cleaning maps...") cleaned_tags = [] for map in load_maps(): if map.is_transient or all: cleaned_tags.append(map.tag) map.remove() # clean up maps that were partially removed # the "tagfiles" in this dir are named by uid instead of tag # to guarantee uniqueness for uid in (Path(settings["HTMAP_DIR"]) / names.REMOVED_TAGS_DIR).iterdir(): map_dir = mapping.map_dir_path(uuid.UUID(uid.stem)) try: shutil.rmtree(map_dir) logger.debug(f"Removed orphaned map directory {uid.stem}") except (OSError, FileNotFoundError): logger.exception(f"Failed to remove orphaned map directory {uid.stem}") logger.debug(f"Cleaned maps {cleaned_tags}") return cleaned_tags
def _extract_status_data( map: maps.Map, include_state: bool = True, include_meta: bool = True, ) -> dict: sd = {"Tag": f'{"* " if map.is_transient else ""}{map.tag}'} if include_state: sc = collections.Counter(map.component_statuses) sd.update({str(k): str(sc[k]) for k in state.ComponentStatus.display_statuses()}) if include_meta: sd["Local Data"] = utils.num_bytes_to_str(map.local_data) sd["Max Memory"] = utils.num_bytes_to_str(max(map.memory_usage) * 1024 * 1024) sd["Max Runtime"] = str(max(map.runtime)) sd["Total Runtime"] = str(sum(map.runtime, datetime.timedelta())) return sd
[docs] def status( maps: Optional[Iterable[maps.Map]] = None, include_state: bool = True, include_meta: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Return a formatted table containing information on the given maps. Parameters ---------- maps The maps to display information on. If ``None``, displays information on all existing maps. include_state If ``True``, include information on the state of the map's components. include_meta If ``True``, include information about the map's memory usage, disk usage, and runtime. Returns ------- table : A text table containing information on the given maps. """ return _status(maps=maps, include_state=include_state, include_meta=include_meta,)
def _status( maps: Optional[Iterable[maps.Map]] = None, include_state: bool = True, include_meta: bool = True, header_fmt: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None, row_fmt: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None, ) -> str: if maps is None: maps = sorted(load_maps(), key=lambda m: (m.is_transient, m.tag)) headers = ["Tag"] if include_state: read_events(maps) headers += [str(d) for d in state.ComponentStatus.display_statuses()] if include_meta: headers += ["Local Data", "Max Memory", "Max Runtime", "Total Runtime"] rows = [ _extract_status_data(map, include_state=include_state, include_meta=include_meta) for map in maps ] return utils.table( headers=headers, rows=rows, header_fmt=header_fmt, row_fmt=row_fmt, alignment={"Tag": "ljust"}, )
[docs] def status_json( maps: Optional[Iterable[maps.Map]] = None, include_state: bool = True, include_meta: bool = True, compact: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Return a JSON-formatted string containing information on the given maps. Disk and memory usage are reported in bytes. Runtimes are reported in seconds. Parameters ---------- maps The maps to display information on. If ``None``, displays information on all existing maps. include_state If ``True``, include information on the state of the map's components. include_meta If ``True``, include information about the map's memory usage, disk usage, and runtime. compact If ``True``, the JSON will be formatted in the most compact possible representation. Returns ------- json : A JSON-formatted dictionary containing information on the given maps. """ if maps is None: maps = load_maps() maps = sorted(maps, key=lambda m: m.tag) if include_state: read_events(maps) j = {} for map in maps: sc = collections.Counter(map.component_statuses) d: Dict[str, Union[dict, str, int, float]] = {"tag": map.tag} if include_state: status_to_count = {} for status in state.ComponentStatus.display_statuses(): status_to_count[status.value.lower()] = sc[status] d["component_status_counts"] = status_to_count if include_meta: d["local_disk_usage"] = utils.get_dir_size(mapping.map_dir_path(map.tag)) d["max_memory_usage"] = max(map.memory_usage) * 1024 * 1024 d["max_runtime"] = max(map.runtime).total_seconds() d["total_runtime"] = sum(map.runtime, datetime.timedelta()).total_seconds() j[map.tag] = d if compact: separators = (",", ":") indent = None else: separators = (", ", ": ") indent = 4 return json.dumps(j, separators=separators, indent=indent)
[docs] def status_csv( maps: Optional[Iterable[maps.Map]] = None, include_state: bool = True, include_meta: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Return a CSV-formatted string containing information on the given maps. Disk and memory usage are reported in bytes. Runtimes are reported in seconds. Parameters ---------- maps The maps to display information on. If ``None``, displays information on all existing maps. include_state If ``True``, include information on the state of the map's components. include_meta If ``True``, include information about the map's memory usage, disk usage, and runtime. Returns ------- csv : A CSV-formatted table containing information on the given maps. """ if maps is None: maps = load_maps() maps = sorted(maps, key=lambda m: m.tag) if include_state: read_events(maps) rows = [] for map in maps: sc = collections.Counter(map.component_statuses) row: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]] = {"tag": map.tag} if include_state: for status in state.ComponentStatus.display_statuses(): row[status.value.lower()] = sc[status] if include_meta: row["local_disk_usage"] = utils.get_dir_size(mapping.map_dir_path(map.tag)) row["max_memory_usage"] = max(map.memory_usage) * 1024 * 1024 row["max_runtime"] = max(map.runtime).total_seconds() row["total_runtime"] = sum(map.runtime, datetime.timedelta()).total_seconds() rows.append(row) if len(maps) == 0: return "" output = io.StringIO() writer = csv.DictWriter(output, list(rows[0])) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(rows) return output.getvalue()
[docs] class Transplant(NamedTuple): """ An object that represents metadata information about a transplant install. """ hash: str path: Path created: datetime.datetime size: int packages: Tuple[str, ...]
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path: Path) -> "Transplant": """ Parameters ---------- path The path to the transplant install. Returns ------- transplant The :class:`Transplant` that represents the transplant install. """ return cls( hash=path.stem, path=path, created=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(path.stat().st_ctime), size=path.stat().st_size, packages=tuple(path.with_suffix(".pip").read_text().strip().split("\n")), )
[docs] def remove(self): self.path.with_suffix(".pip").unlink() self.path.unlink()"Removed transplant install {self.hash}, which was created at {self.created}")
[docs] def transplants() -> Tuple[Transplant, ...]: return tuple( sorted( ( Transplant.load(p) for p in Path(settings["TRANSPLANT.DIR"]).iterdir() if p.suffix != ".pip" ), key=lambda t: t.created, ) )
[docs] def transplant_info() -> str: entries = [] for q, t in enumerate(transplants()): packages = "\n".join( textwrap.wrap(", ".join(t.packages), subsequent_indent=" " * 4, break_long_words=False,) ) entry = f"# {q}\nHash: {t.hash}\nCreated at: {t.created}\nPackages: {packages}" entries.append(entry) return utils.rstr("\n\n".join(entries))
def read_events(maps: Iterable[maps.Map]) -> None: """Read the events logs of the given maps using a thread pool.""" with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: m: m._state._read_events(), maps)