Source code for htmap.mapping

# Copyright 2018 HTCondor Team, Computer Sciences Department,
# University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import itertools
import logging
import shutil
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import htcondor

from . import condor, exceptions, htio, maps, names, options, settings, tags, transfer, utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def maps_dir_path() -> Path:
    """The path to the directory where map directories are stored."""
    return Path(settings["HTMAP_DIR"]) / names.MAPS_DIR

def map_dir_path(uid: Union[uuid.UUID, str]) -> Path:
    """The path to the directory for the given ``uid``."""
    return maps_dir_path() / str(uid)

def tagfile_to_map_dir(tagfile: Path) -> Path:
    """Return the path to the map directory associated with the given ``tag`` file."""
    if not tagfile.exists():
        raise exceptions.TagNotFound(f"The tag {tagfile.stem} was not found")
    uid = uuid.UUID(tagfile.read_text())
    return map_dir_path(uid)

def tag_to_map_dir(tag: str) -> Path:
    """Return the path to the map directory for the given ``tag``."""
    return tagfile_to_map_dir(tags.tag_file_path(tag))

[docs] def map( func: Callable, args: Iterable[Any], map_options: Optional[options.MapOptions] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None, quiet: bool = False, ) -> maps.Map: """ Map a function call over a one-dimensional iterable of arguments. The function must take exactly one positional argument and no keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- func The function to map the arguments over. args An iterable of arguments to pass to the mapped function. map_options An instance of :class:`htmap.MapOptions`. tag The ``tag`` to assign to this map. quiet Do not print the map name in an interactive shell. Returns ------- map : A :class:`htmap.Map` representing the map. """ args = ((arg,) for arg in args) args_and_kwargs: Iterator[ARGS_AND_KWARGS] = zip(args, itertools.repeat({})) return create_map(tag, func, args_and_kwargs, map_options=map_options, quiet=quiet,)
[docs] def starmap( func: Callable, args: Optional[Iterable[ARGS]] = None, kwargs: Optional[Iterable[KWARGS]] = None, map_options: Optional[options.MapOptions] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None, quiet: bool = False, ) -> maps.Map: """ Map a function call over aligned iterables of arguments and keyword arguments. Each element of ``args`` and ``kwargs`` is unpacked into the signature of the function, so their elements should be tuples and dictionaries corresponding to position and keyword arguments of the mapped function. Parameters ---------- func The function to map the arguments over. args An iterable of tuples of positional arguments to unpack into the mapped function. kwargs An iterable of dictionaries of keyword arguments to unpack into the mapped function. map_options An instance of :class:`htmap.MapOptions`. tag The ``tag`` to assign to this map. quiet Do not print the map name in an interactive shell. Returns ------- map : A :class:`htmap.Map` representing the map. """ if args is None: args = () if kwargs is None: kwargs = () args_and_kwargs = zip_args_and_kwargs(args, kwargs) return create_map(tag, func, args_and_kwargs, map_options=map_options, quiet=quiet,)
[docs] class MapBuilder: """ The :class:`htmap.MapBuilder` provides an alternate way to create maps. Once created via :meth:`htmap.build_map` or similar as a context manager, the map builder can be called as if it were the function you're mapping over. When the ``with`` block exits, the inputs are collected and submitted as a single map. .. code-block:: python with htmap.build_map(tag="pow", func=lambda x, p: x ** p) as builder: for x in range(1, 4): builder(x, x) map = print(list(map)) # [1, 4, 27] """ def __init__( self, func: Callable, map_options: Optional[options.MapOptions] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None, ): self.func = func self.map_options = map_options self.tag = tag self.args: List[Tuple[Any, ...]] = [] self.kwargs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] self._map = None logger.debug(f"Initialized map builder for map {tag} for {self.func}") def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}(func = {self.func}, map_options = {self.map_options})>" def __enter__(self) -> "MapBuilder": return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # if an exception is raised in the with, re-raise without submitting jobs if exc_type is not None: logger.exception(f"Map builder for map {self.tag} aborted due to") return False self._map = starmap( tag=self.tag, func=self.func, args=self.args, kwargs=self.kwargs, map_options=self.map_options, ) logger.debug(f"Finished executing map builder for map {self.tag}")
[docs] def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Adds the given inputs to the map.""" self.args.append(args) self.kwargs.append(kwargs)
@property def map(self) -> maps.Map: """ The :class:`Map` associated with this :class:`MapBuilder`. Will raise :class:`htmap.exceptions.NoMapYet` when accessed until the ``with`` block for this :class:`MapBuilder` completes. """ if self._map is None: raise exceptions.NoMapYet("Map does not exist until after with block") return self._map
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """The length of a :class:`MapBuilder` is the number of inputs it has been sent.""" return len(self.args)
[docs] def build_map( func: Callable, map_options: Optional[options.MapOptions] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> MapBuilder: """ Return a :class:`MapBuilder` for the given function. Parameters ---------- func The function to map over. map_options An instance of :class:`htmap.MapOptions`. tag The ``tag`` to assign to this map. Returns ------- map_builder : A :class:`MapBuilder` for the given function. """ return MapBuilder(func=func, map_options=map_options, tag=tag,)
def create_map( tag: Optional[str], func: Callable, args_and_kwargs: Iterator[ARGS_AND_KWARGS], map_options: Optional[options.MapOptions] = None, quiet: bool = False, ) -> maps.Map: """ All map calls lead here. This function performs various checks on the ``tag``, constructs a submit object that represents the map for HTCondor, saves all of the map's definitional data to the map directory, and submits the map job, returning the map's :class:`Map`. Parameters ---------- tag The ``tag`` to assign to this map. func The function to map the arguments over. args_and_kwargs The arguments and keyword arguments to map over - the output of :func:`zip_args_and_kwargs`. map_options An instance of :class:`htmap.MapOptions`. quiet Do not print the map name in an interactive shell. Returns ------- map : A :class:`htmap.Map` representing the map. """ if tag is None: tag = tags.random_tag() transient = True else: transient = False tags.raise_if_tag_is_invalid(tag) tags.raise_if_tag_already_exists(tag) logger.debug(f"Creating map {tag} ...") if map_options is None: map_options = options.MapOptions() uid = uuid.uuid4() map_dir = map_dir_path(uid) try: make_map_dir_and_subdirs(map_dir) transformed_args_and_kwargs, extra_input_files = transform_args_and_kwargs(args_and_kwargs) num_components = len(transformed_args_and_kwargs) if num_components == 0: raise exceptions.EmptyMap("Cannot create a map with zero components") if map_options.input_files is None and len(extra_input_files) > 0: map_options.input_files = [[] for _ in range(len(extra_input_files))] for tif, extra in zip(map_options.input_files, extra_input_files): tif.extend(extra) submit_obj, itemdata = options.create_submit_object_and_itemdata( tag, map_dir, num_components, map_options, ) logger.debug(f"Submit description for map {tag} is\n{submit_obj}") logger.debug(f"First itemdatum for map {tag} is \n{pformat(itemdata[0])}") logger.debug(f"Creating map directory for map {tag} ...") with utils.Timer() as timer: htio.save_func(map_dir, func) htio.save_inputs(map_dir, transformed_args_and_kwargs) htio.save_num_components(map_dir, num_components) htio.save_submit(map_dir, submit_obj) htio.save_itemdata(map_dir, itemdata) logger.debug(f"Created map directory for map {tag} (took {timer.elapsed:.6f} seconds)") logger.debug(f"Submitting map {tag}...") tags.tag_file_path(tag).write_text(str(uid)) m = maps.Map(tag=tag, map_dir=map_dir,) if transient: m._make_transient() m._submit() if utils.is_interactive_session() and not quiet: print(f"Created map {m.tag} with {len(m)} components") return m except BaseException as e: # something went wrong during submission, and the job is malformed # so delete the entire map directory # the condor bindings should prevent any jobs from being submitted logger.exception(f"Map submission for map {tag} aborted due to: {e}") try: tags.tag_file_path(tag).unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass shutil.rmtree(str(map_dir.absolute())) logger.debug(f"Removed malformed map directory {map_dir}") raise e MAP_SUBDIR_NAMES = ( names.INPUTS_DIR, names.OUTPUTS_DIR, names.JOB_LOGS_DIR, names.OUTPUT_FILES_DIR, ) def make_map_dir_and_subdirs(map_dir: Path) -> None: """Create the input, output, and log subdirectories inside the map directory.""" for path in (map_dir / d for d in MAP_SUBDIR_NAMES): path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) logger.debug(f"Created map directory {map_dir} and subdirectories") def execute_submit(submit_object: htcondor.Submit, itemdata: List[Dict[str, str]]) -> int: """ Execute a map via the scheduler defined by the settings. Return the HTCondor cluster ID of the map's jobs. """ schedd = condor.get_schedd() with schedd.transaction() as txn: submit_result = submit_object.queue_with_itemdata(txn, 1, iter(itemdata),) return submit_result.cluster() def zip_args_and_kwargs( args: Iterable[ARGS], kwargs: Iterable[KWARGS], ) -> Iterator[ARGS_AND_KWARGS]: """ Combine iterables of arguments and keyword arguments into a zipped, filled iterator of arguments and keyword arguments (i.e., tuples and dictionaries). .. caution :: This function will happily run forever when given infinite iterator inputs. Be careful! Parameters ---------- args A list of tuples. kwargs A list of dictionaries. Returns ------- args_and_kwargs A zipped iterator of tuples (positional arguments) and dictionaries (keyword arguments). """ marker = object() for arg, kwarg in itertools.zip_longest(args, kwargs, fillvalue=marker): yield arg if arg is not marker else (), kwarg if kwarg is not marker else {} def transform_args_and_kwargs( args_and_kwargs: Iterator[ARGS_AND_KWARGS], ) -> Tuple[List[ARGS_AND_KWARGS], List[List[transfer.TransferPath]]]: """ Perform any pre-processing on the positional and keyword arguments. Currently checks for input files that should be transferred along with the component input. """ transformed_args_and_kwargs = [] input_paths = [] for args, kwargs in args_and_kwargs: transfers: List[transfer.TransferPath] = [] args = tuple(transform_input_paths(arg, transfers) for arg in args) kwargs = {k: transform_input_paths(v, transfers) for k, v in kwargs.items()} transformed_args_and_kwargs.append((args, kwargs)) input_paths.append(sorted(set(transfers))) return transformed_args_and_kwargs, input_paths def transform_input_paths( object_to_check: Any, transfer_accumulator: List[transfer.TransferPath], ) -> Any: """ Descends recursively through primitive containers or top-level function arguments and keyword arguments, looking for :class:`htmap.TransferPath` objects. When it encounters one, it adds the local path to the accumulator and replaces the path in the container with the appropriate path for the scratch directory on the execute node. """ if isinstance(object_to_check, transfer.TransferPath): return transform_input_path(object_to_check, transfer_accumulator) # look inside built-in containers recursively elif isinstance(object_to_check, (list, tuple, set)): return type(object_to_check)( transform_input_paths(c, transfer_accumulator) for c in object_to_check ) elif isinstance(object_to_check, dict): return { k: transform_input_paths(v, transfer_accumulator) for k, v in object_to_check.items() } return object_to_check def transform_input_path( path: transfer.TransferPath, transfer_accumulator: List[transfer.TransferPath], ) -> Path: """ Helper function which replaces :class:`htmap.TransferPath` with a :class:`Path` that can be used execute-side, and adds the :class:`htmap.TransferPath` to (what will eventually become) the input transfer manifest. """ transfer_accumulator.append(path) return Path(".") /