Source code for htmap.state

# Copyright 2019 HTCondor Team, Computer Sciences Department,
# University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import datetime
import logging
import os
import pickle
import threading
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import htcondor

from . import exceptions, holds, names, utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ComponentStatus(utils.StrEnum): """ An enumeration of the possible statuses that a map component can be in. These are mostly identical to the HTCondor job statuses of the same name. """ UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN" UNMATERIALIZED = "UNMATERIALIZED" IDLE = "IDLE" RUNNING = "RUNNING" REMOVED = "REMOVED" COMPLETED = "COMPLETED" HELD = "HELD" SUSPENDED = "SUSPENDED" ERRORED = "ERRORED"
[docs] @classmethod def display_statuses(cls) -> Tuple["ComponentStatus", ...]: return ( cls.HELD, cls.ERRORED, cls.IDLE, cls.RUNNING, cls.COMPLETED, )
JOB_EVENT_STATUS_TRANSITIONS = { htcondor.JobEventType.SUBMIT: ComponentStatus.IDLE, htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_EVICTED: ComponentStatus.IDLE, htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_UNSUSPENDED: ComponentStatus.IDLE, htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_RELEASED: ComponentStatus.IDLE, htcondor.JobEventType.SHADOW_EXCEPTION: ComponentStatus.IDLE, htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_RECONNECT_FAILED: ComponentStatus.IDLE, htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_TERMINATED: ComponentStatus.COMPLETED, htcondor.JobEventType.EXECUTE: ComponentStatus.RUNNING, htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_HELD: ComponentStatus.HELD, htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_SUSPENDED: ComponentStatus.SUSPENDED, htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_ABORTED: ComponentStatus.REMOVED, } class MapState: def __init__(self, map): = map self._event_reader = None # delayed until _read_events is called self._jobid_to_component: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int] = {} self._component_statuses = [ComponentStatus.UNMATERIALIZED for _ in] self._holds: Dict[int, holds.ComponentHold] = {} self._memory_usage = [0 for _ in] self._runtime = [datetime.timedelta(0) for _ in] self._event_reader_lock = threading.Lock() @property def component_statuses(self) -> List[ComponentStatus]: self._read_events() return self._component_statuses @property def holds(self) -> Dict[int, holds.ComponentHold]: self._read_events() return self._holds @property def memory_usage(self) -> List[int]: self._read_events() return self._memory_usage @property def runtime(self) -> List[datetime.timedelta]: self._read_events() return self._runtime @property def _event_log_path(self): return / names.EVENT_LOG def _read_events(self): with self._event_reader_lock: # no thread can be in here at the same time as another if self._event_reader is None: logger.debug(f"Created event log reader for map {}") self._event_reader = htcondor.JobEventLog(self._event_log_path.as_posix()) with utils.Timer() as timer: handled_events = self._handle_events() if handled_events > 0: logger.debug( f"Processed {handled_events} events for map {} (took {timer.elapsed:.6f} seconds)" ) = None # invalidate cache if any events were received if utils.BINDINGS_VERSION_INFO >= (8, 9, 3): def _handle_events(self) -> int: """ Process new events and return the number of new events processed. """ handled_events = 0 # Workaround HTCONDOR-463 os.stat(self._event_log_path.as_posix()) for event in handled_events += 1 # skip the late materialization submit event if event.proc == -1: continue if event.type is htcondor.JobEventType.SUBMIT: self._jobid_to_component[(event.cluster, event.proc)] = int(event["LogNotes"]) # this lookup is safe because the SUBMIT event always comes first # ... but it can happen if the event log is corrupted somehow try: component = self._jobid_to_component[(event.cluster, event.proc)] except KeyError as e: raise exceptions.CorruptEventLog( f"Found an event for a job that we never saw a submit event for:\n{event}" ) from e if event.type is htcondor.JobEventType.IMAGE_SIZE: self._memory_usage[component] = max( self._memory_usage[component], int(event.get("MemoryUsage", 0)), ) elif event.type is htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_TERMINATED: self._runtime[component] = parse_runtime(event["RunRemoteUsage"]) elif event.type is htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_RELEASED: self._holds.pop(component, None) elif event.type is htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_HELD: h = holds.ComponentHold( code=int(event["HoldReasonCode"]), reason=event.get("HoldReason", "UNKNOWN").strip(), ) self._holds[component] = h new_status = JOB_EVENT_STATUS_TRANSITIONS.get(event.type, None) # the component has *terminated*, but did it error? if new_status is ComponentStatus.COMPLETED: try: exec_status = except exceptions.OutputNotFound: logger.warning( f"Output was not found for component {component} for map {}, marking as errored" ) exec_status = "ERR" if exec_status == "ERR": new_status = ComponentStatus.ERRORED if new_status is not None: if new_status is self._component_statuses[component]: logger.warning( f"Component {component} of map {} tried to transition into the state it is already in ({new_status})" ) else: # this log is commented-out because its very verbose # might be helpful when debugging # logger.debug(f'Component {component} of map {} changed state: {self._component_statuses[component]} -> {new_status}') self._component_statuses[component] = new_status return handled_events def save(self) -> Path: final_path = / names.MAP_STATE working_path = final_path.with_suffix(".working") with"wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=-1) working_path.rename(final_path) logger.debug(f"Saved map state for map {}") return final_path @staticmethod def load(map): if utils.BINDINGS_VERSION_INFO < (8, 9, 3): raise exceptions.InsufficientHTCondorVersion( "Map state can only be saved with HTCondor 8.9.3 or greater" ) with (map._map_dir / names.MAP_STATE).open(mode="rb") as f: state = pickle.load(f) = map return state def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d.pop("_event_reader_lock") d.pop("map") return d def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state self._event_reader_lock = threading.Lock() # note: the map reference is restored in the load method def parse_runtime(runtime_string: str) -> datetime.timedelta: (_, usr_days, usr_hms), (_, sys_days, sys_hms) = [s.split() for s in runtime_string.split(",")] usr_h, usr_m, usr_s = usr_hms.split(":") sys_h, sys_m, sys_s = sys_hms.split(":") usr_time = datetime.timedelta( days=int(usr_days), hours=int(usr_h), minutes=int(usr_m), seconds=int(usr_s), ) sys_time = datetime.timedelta( days=int(sys_days), hours=int(sys_h), minutes=int(sys_m), seconds=int(sys_s), ) return usr_time + sys_time