Source code for htmap.tags

# Copyright 2020 HTCondor Team, Computer Sciences Department,
# University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import fnmatch
import random
import string
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Tuple

from htmap import exceptions, names, settings

def tags_dir() -> Path:
    return Path(settings["HTMAP_DIR"]) / names.TAGS_DIR

[docs] def get_tags(pattern: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Return a tuple containing the ``tag`` for all existing maps, with optional filtering based on a glob-style pattern. Parameters ---------- pattern A `glob-style pattern <>`_. Only tags that fit the pattern will be returned. If ``None`` (the default), all tags will be returned. Returns ------- tags : A tuple containing the tags that match the ``pattern``. """ return tuple( for path in tags_dir().iterdir() if pattern is None or fnmatch.fnmatchcase(, pattern) )
def tag_file_path(tag: str) -> Path: return tags_dir() / tag def raise_if_tag_already_exists(tag: str) -> None: """Raise a :class:`htmap.exceptions.TagAlreadyExists` if the ``tag`` already exists.""" if tag_file_path(tag).exists(): raise exceptions.TagAlreadyExists( f'The requested tag "{tag}" already exists. Load the Map with htmap.load("{tag}"), or remove it using htmap.remove("{tag}").' ) INVALID_TAG_CHARACTERS = { "/", "\\", # backslash "<", ">", ":", '"', "|", "?", "*", " ", "[", "]", "!", } def raise_if_tag_is_invalid(tag: str) -> None: """Raise a :class:`htmap.exceptions.InvalidTag` if the ``tag`` contains any invalid characters.""" if len(tag) < 1: raise exceptions.InvalidTag("The tag must be a non-empty string") invalid_chars = set(tag).intersection(INVALID_TAG_CHARACTERS) if len(invalid_chars) != 0: raise exceptions.InvalidTag(f"These characters in tag {tag} are not valid: {invalid_chars}") ADJECTIVES = ( "angry", "barbed", "bland", "blue", "breezy", "burst", "busy", "calm", "clever", "coy", "curly", "dark", "deep", "dire", "dizzy", "dry", "fair", "fancy", "fierce", "firm", "fuzzy", "gentle", "green", "happy", "happy", "harsh", "hollow", "husky", "jaded", "light", "prim", "proper", "proud", "puny", "quick", "rapid", "rare", "red", "ripe", "scratchy", "shaky", "shallow", "short", "sleek", "slow", "sly", "snide", "soft", "soggy", "super", "sweet", "swift", "tall", "tan", "thick", "thin", "tiny", "torrid", "trite", "twin", "vast", "wicked", "wise", ) NOUNS = ( "actor", "apple", "area", "axe", "badge", "beak", "bird", "box", "cake", "car", "cat", "chair", "city", "coil", "cookie", "dog", "drone", "echo", "exam", "fact", "farm", "foot", "frog", "goal", "hand", "heel", "idea", "jaw", "law", "map", "note", "oven", "poem", "rig", "ring", "river", "road", "robe", "rock", "scone", "sock", "stick", "stream", "table", "tooth", "town", "tub", "year", "zebra", ) def random_tag() -> str: existing_tags = set(get_tags()) for attempt in range(50): adj1, adj2 = random.sample(ADJECTIVES, k=2) noun = random.choice(NOUNS) tag = f"{adj1}-{adj2}-{noun}" if tag not in existing_tags: return tag options = string.ascii_letters + string.digits for attempt in range(1_000_000): tag = "".join(random.choices(options, k=6)) if tag not in existing_tags: return tag raise exceptions.InvalidTag( "Could not find an unused random tag (try cleaning your transient maps)" )