
New Features

  • Revised internals on how error information is returned from execute nodes. HTMap now detects runtime errors during component status checks (without too much overhead).

  • Add singularity delivery method. More revisions needed to use best practices, but it works. Expect major changes in the future…

  • Add htmap components CLI command, which can print out individual component statuses for a map. For example, htmap components <tag> will print out all of the components for a map and their statuses. htmap components --status ERRORED <tag> will print out only the components whose status is ERRORED.

  • Some execution errors (especially the kind that result in output not being produced) are now turned into holds by using the submit descriptor ON_EXIT_HOLD.

  • Reworked CLI rerun command. It now has separate sub-commands for rerunning entire maps or only certain components.

Bug Fixes

Known Issues

  • Execution errors that result in the job being terminated but no output being produced are still not handled entirely gracefully. Right now, the component state will just show as ERRORED, but there won’t be an actual error report.

  • Map component state may become corrupted when a map is manually vacated. Force-removal may be needed to clean up maps if HTCondor and HTMap disagree about the state of their components. Issue: https://github.com/htcondor/htmap/issues/129