
New Features

Deprecated Features

  • The various iteration methods on htmap.Map no longer have a callback argument.

Bug Fixes

  • It should now be much harder to accidentally get a dangling, inaccessible map due to an interrupted remove. Issue: https://github.com/htcondor/htmap/issues/127

  • When an execution errors occurs, the exception and traceback will be printed to stderr execute-side (in addition to being brought back submit-side). This should make some debugging patterns work as expected. Issue: https://github.com/htcondor/htmap/issues/178

  • The CLI command htmap status --live now has much better behavior when the table width is nearly the width of the terminal. It should now never wrap unless the table is actually wider than the terminal, instead of a few characters before the actual width.

  • HTMap now handles late materialized jobs much more smoothly: maps with unmaterialized components can be removed, and various CLI commands that output color won’t fail when acting on maps with unmaterialized components. However, unmaterialized components do not show as IDLE, which mirrors the behavior of condor_q. This does make it hard to know how many components are in a late-materialized map at a glance; we are thinking about how to address this. Issue: https://github.com/htcondor/htmap/issues/158

Known Issues

  • Execution errors that result in the job being terminated but no output being produced are still not handled entirely gracefully. Right now, the component state will just show as ERRORED, but there won’t be an actual error report.

  • Map component state may become corrupted when a map is manually vacated. Force-removal may be needed to clean up maps if HTCondor and HTMap disagree about the state of their components. Issue: https://github.com/htcondor/htmap/issues/129