
New Features

  • HTMap can now transfer output files! See the new recipe: Output Files and the new htmap.transfer_output_files() function.

  • HTMap’s default Docker image is now htcondor/htmap-exec, which is produced from a Dockerfile in the HTMap git repository. It is based on continuumio/anaconda3, with htmap itself installed as well. Issue: https://github.com/htcondor/htmap/issues/152

  • Redid htmap.Map stdout and stderr. They are now attributes that represent sequences over the stdout and stderr from the map components, as strings, respectively.

  • Acts and Edits on Maps that are not “active” (i.e., have components in the HTCondor queue) are now no-ops. Includes a new htmap.Map.is_active property, which is True if any components are still in the queue. Issue: https://github.com/htcondor/htmap/issues/145

Bug Fixes

Known Issues

  • Execution errors that result in the job being terminated but no output being produced are still not handled entirely gracefully. Right now, the component state will just show as ERRORED, but there won’t be an actual error report.

  • Map component state may become corrupted when a map is manually vacated. Force-removal may be needed to clean up maps if HTCondor and HTMap disagree about the state of their components. Issue: https://github.com/htcondor/htmap/issues/129